7 D a y K i n g o f t h e M o u n t a i n s T o u r


K i n g o f t h e M o u n t a i n s ( K . O . M )


One for the hardcore – ride the full length of Taiwan, from the southern tip to the northern capital, in just 1 week. For anyone interested in exploring Taiwan’s east coast, as well as stretching their legs on the world’s longest road climb, this itinerary will challenge as well as dazzle.


Transfer to Kenting National Park

Fly from Taipei (the northernmost city) to Kaohsiung (the southernmost) in just a couple of hours on Taiwan’s state of the art high speed railway. Our guides will be waiting for you in Kaohsiung (having left considerably earlier to race the train!) and will then take you the rest of the way to Kenting National Park, famous for its golden beaches, mountain hikes and snorkeling spots.


Kenting National Park - Taimali

An exceptional route through Kenting National Park makes up the first 100km of this ride. Quiet roads, stunning views and a couple of cheeky climbs make this some of the nieces riding on the island. Lunch at Daren will be followed by a quick 40km north along the coastal road….just keep the sea on your right and the mountains on your left and you’ll be there in no time!

Distance: 140km
Total Elevation: 1,795m


Taimali - Chenggong

A slightly easier ride along the coast means there’ll be plenty of time for sightseeing and food tasting along the way. Jialulan and the ‘Uphill River’ are interesting diversions, and Sanxiantai bridge is a famous landmark along this stretch of pacific coastline. Chenggong, your home for the night, is famous for it’s fresh swordfish, which is best enjoyed completely raw ‘sashimi’ style.

Distance: 75km
Total Elevation: 558m


Chenggong - Hualien

A wonderful ride all the way along the coast up to the gateway city of Hualien. The first half of the ride is flat and wide, following the coastal plains on this southern section of coast. The second half becomes tougher riding, but in my opinion, even more beautiful. The wide coastal plain gives way to a narrower road cut into the mountains that come careening straight out of the blue waters. Finally you’ll arrive into Hualien city, where our guide will show you the highlights of the city’s famous night market.

Distance: 115km
Total Elevation: 1,187m


Hualien - Lishan (KOM)

We can’t (and we won’t) dress it up..…this one’s a beast. The road that winds through Taroko Gorge all the way to Wuling Pass is the longest road climb in the world (87.5km!) and is more than worthy of the reputation that it is making for itself. A challenge? – yes. A few moments where you need to dig deep? – absolutely. Probably, in this writers opinion, the most wonderful one day bike ride in the world? – most certainly. It’s a bucket list ride and we’re sure regardless of what you’re aiming for you’ll love it.

Distance: 83km
Total Elevation: 4,230m


Lishan - Jiaoxi

Two relatively minor bumps break up what is otherwise a day of descending. After 30km of up and down coming out of the valley in Lishan, the gorge just drops away in front of your eyes and all that’s left to do is fly down the 50km descent that presents itself. At the end of the ride you have the options of a visit to the award winning Kavalan Distillery or to the Jiaoxi Hot Springs (or both!).

Distance: 121km
Total Elevation: 1,620m


Jiaoxi - Taipei

The last day of a trip that will have seen you ride all the way from Taiwan’s southern tip back to Taipei in the north in just 1 week. A couple of cheeky mountain ranges separate Yilan county from Taipei, but luckily there’s a gorgeous quiet road that goes up and over them that you’ll follow all the way back to the Taipei basin. The very end of your epic adventure will be to re-enter the city through Fu De Keng cemetery with wonderful winding roads and exceptional views of the city.

Distance: 69km
Total Elevation: 1,414m


Transfer back in time for your departing flight from Taipei Int Airport.

Leaving the island as a King of the Taiwan Mountains, and a conquerer of the world’s longest climb.

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7 D a y K i n g o f t h e M o u n t a i n s T o u r

Our cycle tours are designed to capture the incredible treasures of Taiwan. A unique opportunity to ride stunning and challenging routes in one of the most beautiful corners of the world. With its imposing mountain ranges, rolling paddy fields, gorgeous ocean roads, ultra-modern cycle lanes and world-famous cuisine, Taiwan provides the perfect blend of safety, comfort and adventure to make it an ideal location to explore by bike.

With a highly experienced guide and a support vehicle with you at all times, you can simply relax and enjoy the ride, as well as savour the delights Taiwan has to offer: think night markets, national parks, temples, waterfalls, natural hot springs and so much more!



Learn more about our mystical island, and read our Taiwanese cycling-related stories.

A Brief History of Early Taiwan

“There is strong evidence to suggest that Humans settled in Taiwan around 30,000 – 40,000 years ago. These early humans

The Best Views in Taiwan

“Anyone who has ever visited Taiwan will agree that the island boasts many awe-inspiring places. Listing all of the stunning