The Best Views in Taiwan

T h e B e s t V i e w s i n T a i w a n


“Anyone who has ever visited Taiwan will agree that the island boasts many awe-inspiring places. Listing all of the stunning places in a single blog simply wouldn’t possibly be possible. so, we’ve picked out four of our favourite Taiwan views”

The Yehliu Geopark

Yehliu Geopark, acclaimed for it’s numerous renowned natural formations, located an hour drive away from Taipei on a small peninsula. The Yehliu Geopark is dotted with magical looking rocks; the result of a constant erosion caused by wind, seawater, wave erosion, and crustal movement. The surrounding area also offers beautiful Âpanoramic sea views of the Pacific Ocean, a perfect destination for a day trip!

Qingjing Farm

Located in the Nantou Country, far away in the mountains away from the city, Qingjing Farm is the perfect spot offering breathtaking, calming and tranquil views, full of lush forests, acres and acres of flowers along the hills and plains, and beautiful starry night views. A great trip for those who enjoy fresh air, long walks/bike rides and beautiful scenery. The area also has open pasture ground for sheep and cows to roam and graze freely, where visitors can see and play with the animals.

Taroko Gorge National Park

The Eastern Taiwan Hualien area prides itself with the famous sceneries of the Taroko Gorge canyon, that stretches over 20 kilometers, offering a wide variety of scenery with views of the river, temples, aboriginal settlements and many hiking trails. The intricate mountain marble rock formations and the crystal clear water of the evergreen river banks reallyÂshow the true beauty of the mountainous Hualien.

Shihmen Reservoir

A beautiful and tranquil spot for cycling and lake cruises, with it’s bicycle tracks, the Shihmen Reservoir generates power and provides water for Northern Taiwan, as well as attracts many tourisms for it’s beautiful natural sceneries that drastically change every season and special local delicacies.Â

Located in Longtan Town close to Daxi of the Taoyuan County, Shihmen Reservoir is also known for having many maple trees, which boast full golden-colourÂbloom in the Nov-Jan months.