F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s


We run our tours September – December & February – May, which allows us to avoid the sweltering summer humidity, as well as typhoons. The average temperature in spring and autumns ranges from 20 to 30 degrees celsius…perfect riding weather!

Taiwan is known for being a culinary paradise within Asia. Couple this with the country’s long history of Buddhism, this reputation also stands true for the vegetarian/vegan options available.
Regarding any dietary requirements, let us know and we’ll make sure you stay well-fed and happy for the duration of your trip.

Very safe. People are generally extremely friendly towards cyclists and roads are kept in very smooth condition. Taiwan also boasts some of the lowest crime rates in the world.

Water from public water fountains is safe to drink, but we would advise not to drink water straight from the tap without boiling it first.. There are also many 24/7 convenience stores where you can purchase bottled water.

Most places accept Mastercard and Visa – American Express, JCB and Union Pay are not as commonly accepted. You’ll be able to find ATMs with relative ease and you might want to keep some cash handy with you as small vendors and market stalls will usually only accept cash.

Tipping is not part of the culture in Taiwan and tips are not expected at most establishments (including taxis).

All of our accommodation options have WIFI for when you arrive in the evening, however, it can be a little patchy in the mountains and if you think you may want to be able to use your phone when you’re out on the road then we’d recommend buying a SIM card on arrival into Taipei airport. SIMs are generally very cheap (approx £25 for 2 weeks) and it will give you an added layer of cover in case you need it. P.S. We’d really suggest going with a Chunghwa SIM, as they have by far the best coverage in the mountains!

Most public toilets in Taiwan are squat style, although there will usually be at least one stall with a western-style toilet. They tend to be quite clean, but it’s worth carrying toilet paper or tissues with you as this might not be supplied in the stall.Â

Toilet paper can usually be flushed down the toilet.


Get in touch with us for a bespoke trip tailored to your cycling level. We cater for cyclists of all levels and are mindful about ensuring trips are made up with people of similar ability.

Depends! If you are part of a cycle club, you can organise a tour with your club. If you prefer to organise a trip with your friends, as a couple, or alone, we can also cater to that. Get in touch to let us know what you’re looking for!

Traffic in Taiwan is generally pleasant. Even on busy roads in the cities, drivers act courteously towards cyclists and speed limits are generally adhered to.


What do you feel most comfortable in? Bring that. DO remember to pack something for the occasional rainy day – you may end up not needing it, but better safe than sorry. If you find you’re missing anything, you’ll probably be able to get it once you’re here.

Yes, in fact, most people do! We can support you with rebuilding your bike once you’re in Taiwan. If you require bike boxes, check out our friends Bike Box Online, we promise they’re great!

Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements. Taiwan is the number one manufacturer of bicycles globally, so we’re quite confident we’ll be able to help you find the perfect ride for your trip.

Taiwan is potentially one of the most cycle-friendly countries in the world, with a comprehensive cyclist-support system in place. Police stations double up as rest stops offering bike repairs, and replacement parts can be sourced easily. Of course, this won’t be a concern to you either way, since all of our guides are also expert mechanics!

Very easy. As mentioned previously, Taiwan is the biggest manufacturer of bikes and it is not a struggle to find bicycle parts, nor a decent bicycle mechanic.

Yes. If you’ve forgotten anything, you can purchase pretty much any cycling gear you may need. Just be careful of sizing – an ‘M’ in Europe is not the same as an ‘M’ in Taiwan, so always try things on before buying.


Australian, British, Canadian, EU & US passport holders do not currently require a visa for visits of up to 90 days. You should always check the details on your national travel information sites before travelling.

If you’ve had your standard MMR and Tetanus shots, you should be okay. If you are concerned or immuno-compromised, please seek out government and NHS guidelines here

Yes, we ask for a deposit of NTD$5000 per person, to be able to reserve your spot on a tour. The remainder is then due 1 month before the start of your tour.

We can (and do!) get bookings a year in advance. We know that not everybody will be able to book this far ahead, but we recommend to book at least 3-6 months in advance to ensure that we can confirm your trip. If we are able to do so, we do take bookings last minute (minimum 1 week in advance), however, we can’t offer any guarantees that our guides will be available at such short notice, so it is always best to book ahead if possible!

You should book your flights, once we have confirmed with you that your tour will definitely go ahead. If you are at all unsure whether your trip is confirmed, please just get in touch to ask one of our team.

YES! Pedal Taiwan does not take any responsibility for any accidents that you may have on the road. Generally speaking, Taiwan is a very safe country for cycling, but accidents can happen and it is important that you are covered for anything that may happen to you or your bike during your journey.

Usually the easiest way to pay for your trip is through a direct bank transfer. We have Wise accounts set up in USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, EUR and SGD to help you avoid unnecessary banking charges.Â

If you prefer to pay through a credit or debit card, then we can issue invoices through PayPal, but they will charge a processing fee.Â

Yes – please get in touch using the contact form below, citing the number of people in your group.

Possibly. We can’t guarantee anything, and it depends on how long there is until the start of your tour, but if you get in touch with one of our friendly team we’ll do our best to accommodate.

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Click here to send us a message and one of our friendly team will get back to you as soon as possible.